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Ottawa West Little League Baseball Association

General tournament information

The Pete Loyen spring tournament field locations:

Minor division - Pinecrest Recreation Comples (minor, rookie and major diamonds)
Major division - Pinecrest Recreation Complex (major diamonds) and Britannia

Coach/Player Information:
Bats must have the USA Baseball approved stamp or be wooden bats.

General Information:
While this is a travel ball/competitive tournament, it's main goal is to be fun for the players and participants.  Parents (and coaches) should be setting a good example of sportsmanship to the young players.  Also, we have had a shortage of umpires in the past in part because of intimidation by adults.  So our league has taken a hard line on any sort of umpire abuse.  You as coaches are responsible for your team's parent's behaviour.


Payment by e-transfer:
Once your registration has been submitted and confirmed, you will be asked to remit payment.  Payments can be made by e-transfer or cheque. Those sent via e-transfer should be sent to  Please include the name of the tournament, the division, and the name of the team in the notes section of the transfer. E-transfers are automatically deposited and should not require a password, but if your financial institution requires it, please email the treasurer for instructions.

At Pinecrest Recreation Complex they are located inside the complex itself.


Friday 7 am to 8 pm

Saturday 7:30 am to 7:00 pm

Sunday 7:30 am to 7:00 pm

Portable toilets will be available at both Pinecrest and Britannia.

Tournament Table:
Located by the Pinecrest major diamond. Games sheets, standings and schedules are all located at the tournament table.


Food trucks at Pinecrest at various times.

Ball fields too wet to play


OWLL News - April 2024


New Spring Merch!


Sort out schedule is up!
